Lately I've been doing alot of research on different ways of Natural Healing...things that the MOST HIGH has provided us on this Earth...not only for the Body, but also for the Mind & Soul...Most of my research and interest in the past years have been on Food, Herbs, Melanin & Meditation...but I've recently have had a deep interest in Aromatherapy and Crystals/Stone Healing...Upon some of my research I've come across many crystals/stones that can heal for so many different types of ailments...
Before I let ya'll know what some of these Crystals and Stones can do...let me break down what this type of healing is all about...First, before anything you must believe, understand and be aware of energy...because this is what I would call Energy Medicine. Energy is very relevant when it comes to the healing power between the mind and the body! It is based on the belief that the human body is composed of energy fields (aka Chakras) and when the energy is properly distributed and circulating freely, the body is healthy. Imbalances or abnormal amounts of energy may indicate a deficiency.
One of the most powerful crystals that our Ancestors from Kemet used is the QUARTZ CRYSTAL...
All Quartz Crystals have 6 primary properties. They are able to structure, store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy. Which includes Matter, Thought, Emotion and Information. Quartz naturally harmonises and energizes our gross and sublte bodies. The chakras can be activated, cleansed, balanced and energized and all psychic abilities can be initiated and strengthened.
This is a brief description on Crystal healing...but I believe in doing one's own research. So if your intuned with nature and want to utilize the gifts of the Earth that our Divine Mother/Father GOD has provided for us...learn about the properties and healings of Crystals and Stones...
I will do more posts on this topic...and other things that are related such as how to cleanse your home, you aura etc.