Sep 30, 2009


The first time I stumbled upon this book, I was about 13 and was real bored one day...went to my parents bookshelf and found one of my dads books.....just randomnly picked it up and read it........Being a youth and all at that time, I didn't grasp the complete concept and philosophy of the book...but it did make me more aware of the energy surrounding each and every one of us......and as I grew, read it again and referred to it.....I starting understanding the importance of the consciousness of energy...and how strong our thoughts are when it comes to them manifesting into matter........If your collect books, into knowledge...or just want to be in touch with the GOD in you...U MUST READ IT!!!


Sep 10, 2009

TUNE for the Month...

"Oh they want me to fall, fall from the top, they want me to drop, they want me to stop, they want me to go...I'm already gone...the shit that i'm on...I'M ALREADY HOME!!!"

Thought from my meditation...


Sep 9, 2009


i got this off a website...

THE OPENING OF THE 09 09 09 Triple Nine crystalline Gateway

The opening of another cosmic crystalline gateway soon approaches on your Earth - or it is more appropriate to say that this gateway is opening now as you move forward in your linear Earth's calender towards a date that signifies, through the energy of it's geometry, the highest peak of energy in your year of 2009. the date we speak of is the 9th september which carries the geometric frequency of the triple Nine, the 09,09,09 simply because that is the 'date' you all know, you all see, write, speak of & hold within your thoughts.From our perspective all dates are simultaneous in high energy and light - but for the one that experiences the linear journey of incarnation on Earth - the 09 09 09 - 9th September 2009 - this date holds that energy peak that is visible to and felt by the sensitive Starseeds and conduits of Light on Earth.This date holds the energy of the Nine - the energy of all that is 'us' for the Nine is the number of source energy and signifies the mathematical frequency - or energy signature as it were of the very multiverse - of hyperspace - the central core of the Zero Point and the frequency of this is available to all who seek it during the opening of this triple Nine gateway which is at it's highest on the 09 09 does one access this energy? Meditation is a great key for you and we highly recommend this as you take your brain waves down to a frequency that allows the receiving of these energies in their fullest. There will be meditations taking place by many groups of Light for we see that many of you are fully aware of the significance of this date, even those who have not yet raised their awareness to the Ascension process and the Quantum shifts now occuring on your planet are still aware at some level that this date is significant. Those who feel they are in power on your planet, those who operate from service to self energies are very aware of the significance of this date.Yet it is you the human people that the energy of this date is most accessable to. You only have to ask - just ask - even if you have no awareness to whom you are asking! - you who have a pure heart will be heard, you will be protected in your asking, your asking will be acted upon. All one needs to do is ask to receive the energies of the 09 09 09 - to walk through the triple Nine gateway on the 9th September 2009. It matters not where you live in the world or what exact timeframe your daylight hours move into the 09 09 09 - many do not understand how a date within a calender, a counting system that has flaws and from certain levels is not correct when one views the very beginning of Earth's history, can possibly hold significance. To those we say the geometric energy that is placed on a date that holds the frequency of the 09 09 09 simply by it's name - as you have a name - gives it this significance - yet it goes beyond that for your calender indeed has consciousness and it's own blueprint which, as geometry is designed to do, as with crop circles and Art and certain mathematical understanding is designed to do - is an inner trigger for the human DNA and the triple Nine is a major awakening for all human beings - for all beings that you would know as Extra Terrestrial - hold the language of the DNA within - the language of the DNA that is within geometry - from this perspective the day of the triple Nine says much indeed and when one opens willingly to that frequency, which is a choice, it is a choice because you have free will, when one opens to that frequency one allows the geometry of the 09 09 09 to speak directly to the DNA and this knowledge, understanding and light shall then be processed by the human brain and you that has recieved this energy, you that has then walked through the triple Nine gateway shall know. You shall know and you shall have knowing.It has long been known the significance of the geometric language, the signigicance of the triple numbers, the Master Nimbers and the 09 09 09. There are those that have kept this knowledge secret, there are those that have deliberetly placed the consciousness of fear upon the triple master number 09 09 09...the opening of this gateway on the 09th September 2009 signifies the end of this hold of fear on the 09 09 09 for many shall ask to receive this energy, many with awakened and activated DNA are receiving this energy now and this gateway shall remain open as long as the awareness of the 09 09 09 remains, the combined consciouness of the aware ones shall therefore bathe the 09 09 09 with love, for it is love and any attemps to create fear around the geometric master numbers shall cease. The 09 09 09 date, the triple Nine crystalline gateway is therefore created by you, it is you that hold the keys to open this gateway, it is you, oh so many of you that shall not walk but skip with a lightness of step through this gateway as you have walked through so many gateways before, you shall hold the hands of those less sure than yourselves but as you create this gateway, as you unlock this gateway with your inner golden keys, you realise the oneness that stands within creation & creating & know that the 09 09 09 gateway was created FOR you and BY you yet stands timeless as it is a trigger for your DNA and the DNA in it's truest form has no beginning and no end. The frequency of the Nine is universal, it is unconditional love, healing, strength and higher consciousness. It can indeed be used for opposite frequencies as all geometric master numbers have the opposing polarity. It is with gladness we see that the energy of the Light, the higher frequency of the Nine is the energy that abounds as this gateway opens. The strength of the darker, service to self, pyramid structures of consciousness cannot and will not be any match for the Light on this day. The 09 09 09 is the true finish line for the consciousness structures of service-to-others Light that now holds so much more space within your planetary grid. This is available for all who wish it, for the opening of the triple Nine crystalline gateway marks that point of no return for the opposing frequencies....and they too shall be embraced by the love, compassion and forgiveness of those who hold the Light.The frequencies of the Nine have always been passed to those who hear these words yet on this day, the 09 09 09, the opening of the Triple Nine crystalline gateway, the energies of the Nine are passed to all those who hear these words, who feel these words, in multiplied abundance.Now is the time for the energy of the Nine.

Hope ya'll are more aware than you were before you read this post...




I encourage everyone who reads this to take time out today to MEDITATE and PRAY...We are blessed to get a chance like this to experience Universe's energy at it's highest peak!

This is one of those days that come around once in a lifetime, so I did some homework on the mystical meaning of the number NINE and this is what I unearthed. If it applies, share it with others.

It is fitting that we now come full circle with the meaning of nine. Indeed, even the visual depiction of the Arabic "9" spirals in on itself to indicate the completion of a cycle.

Nine's hold energy of attainment and completion, but with that closure, we understand we are also faced with renewal. There is no ending without a beginning (indeed the Latin word for nine is novem which shares its root with novus, meaning 'new').

I like to call upon the imagery of the alchemical Uroboros when discussing the meaning of nine because of its relation to that concept of completion versus initiation.

Alchemists were also quite keen on movement and behavior of nature, and would often indicate the Uroboros as a conveyance of rebirth and regeneration. Most importantly, this powerful symbol stands for the maxim "one is all."

The Uroboros, and the number nine sets the soul's intention on fathoming the idea of meeting Ourselves to make a connection, and making strides for acceptance (completion) of the endless cycles of life.

Some questions we may ask ourselves that assist in clarifying the meaning of nine:

* If there were no beginning, and no end, how would I live life differently?
* Will the completion of a task complete me as a person?
* What makes me feel whole?
* How do I feel about change and moving from one phase of life to another?
* What is my level of connectivity?

Sep 7, 2009

So Cool...

and R.Les Give thanks for your creative video's & lack of the typical light skin chicks!


Sep 6, 2009

TRACK list...

01 Intro (Something New) (prod. Damian Marley)
02 As We Enter (prod. Damian Marley)
03 Revolutionary (prod. Damian Marley)
04 Count Your Blessings (prod. Damian & Stephen Marley)
05 Belief is Key (prod. Damian Marley)
06 Africa Must Wake Up f. K’naan (prod. Nas, Damian & Stephen Marley)
07 Black Horizon f. K’naan (prod. Damian Marley)
08 Only the Strong (prod. Damian & Stephen Marley)
09 Our Generation f. Joss Stone & Stevie Wonder (prod. Damian Marley)
10 Empowerment (prod. Stephen Marley)
11 AID (prod. K’naan & Nas)
12 Let’s End It (Poverty) f. K’naan (prod. 9th Wonder & Damian Marley)
13 The Earth f. Bob Marley (prod. Salaam Remix, Damian & Stephen Marley)
14 Black Man’s Paper f. Erykah Badu (prod. Afry) [UK Bonus]
15 Weed On f. Snoop Dogg (prod. Damian Marley) [iTunes Bonus]

OOOOOOOhhhWEEEEEEEEEEE! Badu on this joint and Stevie.....PLEASE DROP SOON!!!

One Love!

Sep 4, 2009

WAS a Skeptic...

Last year there was big talks about opening up a Africentric Alternative School for black students due to the stats showing that the most drop outs come from students of African descent...African including carribean....I wasn't that into the idea, considering the fact that it seems as though they maybe trying to create more segregation.....I also thought it was going to be led by a bunch of white exces who do not know anything about what a African child needs in order to have a good education and knowledge of self.......BUT

upon looking at a brief open house...and reading up on it...seeing pictutures etc. I am convinced that it maybe a good idea......I mean this is what we needed from along time ago...our children have been fed the "White Ideal" for so long....we all why not have a school where red, green and gold are the school colours......and images of people who look like you are displayed on the walls....and history is actually your own history! I am really excited and I plan on visiting this school sometime in the near future!

My hope now is that it is as successful as it looks...and that this will not be the only school like this that opens in the Greater Toronto Area......and around the world.....May the Most High manifest it's beautiful energy and create more wonderful educational institutions as this one!

Below are images and a video from the Open House!

Give Thanks To Stolen From Africa for the hook up on the pics/video!
