Mar 31, 2010

The Illuminati PROJECT...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I thought this was one of the most interesting documentaries I've seen on youtube...It's pretty old..cuz I saw this a few years back..but It's still relevant and good to watch and know...

p.s. There are atleast 20 parts on youtube!

MAYBE, Maybe NOT...

You might be brainwashed by Euro centrism if...
BY :Aza Adeyemi Shukura

1. The only people you can think of during Black History Month are Martin   Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.
2. You think Martin Luther King Jr. was "better"
3. You want your children to have "good hair" and "fair" skin.
4. You find yourself getting excited around babies who have light eyes.
5. You think that Historically Black Colleges and Universities have no purpose.
6. You discourage people from attending them.
7. You think Africa is a country.
8. You think Africa is a country where everyone is poor and has AIDS.
9. You don't want to be in the sun.
10. You're a woman who goes to the beach but won't dare get in the water...and not because you can't swim.
11. You enjoy being able to "pass".
12. You are not comfortable around people who look like you do.
13. You and all of your friends have blond hair and blue eyes except yours are fake.
14. You are more willing to believe information from white owned newssources.
15. Non-white owned newssources are not "legitimate"
16. You think that using "big words" means that someone is "talking white"
17. You are upset when white men call a black woman a "ho" but you do the same.
18. You only date white men/women.
19. You know who Shakespeare is but don't know who August Wilson is.
20. Your mother owns a heavy fur coat and doesn't think you should associate with "those people"...
21. While at church.
22. You agree.
23. You know more about Sag Harbor, Martha's Vineyard, and the Hamptons, than you do about Harlem.'
24. You have had plastic surgery...
25. On your nose.
26. You think that it is good that our ancestors were enslaved, otherwise we would not be in America.
27. You believe that America is the most civilized nation on earth.
28. You laugh at the idea of African philosophy.
29. You don't see the difference between calling yourself a "Greek" and being a member of a "Greek-lettered organization" and that "Black greek" is not an oxymoron
30. You consider those who aren't like you to be "militant".
31. You don't really understand what the word militant're just repeating what you heard from someone.
32. You can't remember who that "someone" is.
33. You believe that your Creator: (God, Jesus,Vishnu, Allah, Jehovah etc.) is white...or you don't think that it matters.
34. You think Michael Vick should have went to jail
35. You don't think perming your hair is an issue because its just hair.
36. You believe you're an Afrikan amerikan
37. You think Pat Robenson was right
38. Afrika is not on your places to go list
39. You think Malcolm X stopped believing in Black Nation building because he "changed"
40. You think Obama makes you an amerikan.
41. You think you're an amerikan
42. You think a degree from a white institution makes you educated
43. You think we are all born sinners
44. You embrace of races and whiteness before you embrace your Afrikan self
45. You think Kanye West is an asshole for interrupting taylor swift
46. You think Zane is the best Black book you've ever read in your life
47. You say things to other Black people like: Why are you into that Black stuff?
48. You think you're not an Afrikan because you were born in amerika
49. You're children will never be introduced to Kwanzaa because christmas is our tradition
50. You think being called an Afrikan is an insult
51. You suffer from negro tendencies

I agree that if atleast 50% of this list applies to may need to work on opening up your mind and eyes a little more....because you ARE BEING BRAINWASHED...


KEEP Balance...

I apologize for the half ass posts...I've been very busy lately...I promise the next posts will have more content...for now enjoy one of my FAVOURITE artists new video's...

ARCH ANDROID drops MAY 18th...


Mar 30, 2010

Take ME to Another LAND...

This is how I feel right now...although I know in my spirit I have alot more learning and growing to do before I go...


Mar 28, 2010

EVOLVING Non Stop...

"They who play it safe, are quick to assasinate what they do not understand...They move in packs, ingesting more and more fear with every act of hate on one another, they feel most comfortable in groups, less guilt to swallow...They are us, this is what we have become, afraid to respect an individual...a single person, event or circumstance can move one to change, to Love ourselves, to EVOLVE!!!"


Mar 25, 2010

'Bout TIME...

They KNOW the POWER of MELANIN...and They KNOW where EVERYTHING ORIGINED...So it is just a matter of time, that they put Black Models on the cover of Vogue & Elle...They KNOW they running outta time...


ELEK WEK in Elle


PICTURE Perfect...

Just thought I'd post up what EMEK the artist of Erykah's album art has to say about this particular cover...It's funny I was showing my sisterine this picture last week and I pretty much explained some of the same things he was saying the Album art represented...

In this day and age of high speed internet and robotic carrier pigeons what kind of musician would fly an artist halfway across the country just to discuss the ideas of the album cover in person? and then cook them a wonderful vegan meal and play charades with her kids? Erykah, thats who.

I have worked with hundreds of bands, and i have to say that she is pretty unique. The amount of time and energy she spends on all aspects of her life. She is very creative and hands on, but also respects and encourages the creativity in others. The album cover came about by listening to her music…My previous album cover I made for her, focused on politics and social conditions in the world today things that were weighing on her mind this album is more personal. political elements of the first album are still there, healthcare system in the toilet, police brutality, flawed justice scales, war, etc. and also a few new elements, foreclosed homes and a teabag, etc., but all of these elements have fallen down, lying in rubble behind her..

her song lyrics “You built a wall 20 feet tall / But if I get off my knees / I might recall I’m 20 feet tall” was an inspiration to draw her to be a large face. She is 20 feet tall. also, she is wearing armour to protect her from the harsh realities of life..Her lyrics “out my mind, just in time”, inspired the concept of her climbing out of the old shell, fresh and innocent and powerful, and the tree of life is also growing from there. The color purple of the tree and the sky represent the 7th chakra- the crown chakra, right above her third eye shield, this chakra represents peace, wisdom, spirituality. She is reborn. her tuning fork is summoning the vibrations of the universe..or does that ripple mean the whole scene is underwater? from out of all the rubble, lush exotic plant life is growing. her lyric from “window seat” about her “music, lover and my babies” was one of several lyrics that inspired the symbolism of 3’s

3 moons
3 hidden babies
3 trees
3 ankhs

and the ankh itself is a symbol of duality, of life and death, but what is life without Love? so i made the ankh heart shaped, to give it that power of 3 as well..working with erykah always brings out the best in me and i am proud to be her friend and artist. the vinyl LP record though is really the one to get, the inside of the record has more cool art in it, and as both Erykah and I were raised without a TV in our house, we grew up on record cover art

-emek march, 2010

I loved what he said about Badu...I am totally Not surprised, she is GODDESS!!!


Mar 24, 2010

BEEN Waiting...

So I'm feeling MAD MAD Inspired from this joint...the production, the flows, the content...damn it make a girl want to pick up the mic again...STRAIGHT GOODNESS!!! Can't wait for the album to drop!

You know I've been waiting for this...and I really feel this video...Certain circumstances in my life are similar to this and I swear i'm that broad with the bangs....if these dumb niggaz don't stay away I may have to throw all the positivity out the door and go buck wild on these ma' fuckaz.......I ain't playin', WORD UP!

Wu Massacre March 30th!


Mar 21, 2010

WEALTHY Reading...

This is my latest purchase...I'm not going to say much I think the Author, The Title, the book speaks for itself...

Here is the description of the book...

The subject of Melanin is straight forward and simple to talk about. Melanin is the biochemical substance that drives physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. What makes the subject difficult to talk about is the awkward primitive Latin Language that is used in Science. Any attempt to avoid the use of the Latin Language of chemistry and biology makes you sound unscientific and unintelligent, this was the challenge in writing about melanin, having to write in every day language and not avoid science Latin Jargon.

The lectures and books on melanin are very Latin jargon centered. Most Black people that read about melanin say “what good is it, it does not help you to be free.” They of course are correct. But a black person unaware are manipulated and controlled by their unawareness. Black people need to know the basics about melanin and how to nourish melanin so they can get some positive use from it. They are controlled by their failure to realize that the Black race is a Melanin Dominate race. The key to controlling Black People is to reduce their Blackness. Reduce their very ability to be Black which will directly affect their ability to be human and seek what is humanly theirs – freedom. Black people are a race nourishing themselves as if they are Caucasians. Since the Caucasians have the least amount of Melanin, then Black people that eat as if there are Caucasians are getting the least amount of nourishment to the Melanin. Therefore, Black people are anti-melanin and consequently fighting against themselves – fight their own melanin. In this writing I have attempted to reveal Melanin’s properties and how the human body bio-chemically uses and nourishes it.

The Black race’s under-education, dys-education (dysfunctional) and mis-education about Melanin merely reflects one particle of a mis-education. Black people must “Know Thyself” and to know yourself is to know Melanin.

Written By Dr. Llaila Afrika

SCARY thoughts...

This movie looks like it will be real dope! I remember watching the original predator when I was like 7 years old (don't ask me why my parents let me) but I was mad scared and I couldn't watch it when they showed Predator I would hide under the My imagination ran wild filling my head with scary thoughts...Anyway this ones directed by Robert Rodiriguez who is amazing at what he does....and the cast looks pretty good as well.....Lawrence Fishbourne YES! I'm not sure if I'll peep it in the theater but I will definitely watch it either way....


Mar 20, 2010


I thought I'll try a formspring to give a chance for anyone that reads my blog to ask me anything they want anonymously...I will keep it one hundred as long as the question you are asking is not go ahead ask away!!!

Click on the link above to go to my formspring page and type in your questions!


Thoughts MANIFEST...


TWO for One...

Don't you love when the video is just as GREAT as the song...I think this song could be in my "favourite songs" list...For REAL!


Mar 19, 2010

My heART...

We have been having BEAUTIFUL Weather here in Toronto...The Sun has been visiting us on a regular for the month of March...So My Daughter, NAIYARAH and I have been taking full advantage and going out as much as we can...I did forget to bring my camera on our outings until yesterday where I did a mini photoshoot...So here are a few out of like 30

Blue Skies...Sun Shining...equals me Smiling!

I don't give her candy...but I couldn't help but give her my favourite Chupa Chup Lollipop...Watermelon!

It was getting a bit windy

I am really into Photography, so don't mind the different shots!

Give Thanks to The Most High for Life, Love & Sun Shine!!!


Mar 18, 2010

REAL Individual...

This is the MAIN Reason I would move to LONDON other than having mad family there....THE FASHION, THE STYLE....This is for the most part how I would dress if I could afford designer pieces...notice what all these girls in the video have in common?!? They keep it classy, NO cleavage, and they have there own individual style....


LIGHT It Up...

YES! This is a new track off "RETURN OF THE ANKH"...It's called "Strawberry Inscence" has a real chanting melody to it (MADLIB on the beat) and of course she got Brother AMEN KUM RA on it as well, it wouldn't make sense if he wasn't on this album because the direction Erykah's taking is towards our Divine Ancestors of Kemet..He is using an Ancient Kemetic language called METU NETER..I could listen to this during my meditations fa sho!...I am not sure of the exact translation on this track but I do know the translation for what he said in her previous album on the track "TWINKLE"....

"We, the Brightest Light, born from the deepest Black, Children of the Divine Mother Father, True Right and Exact, Open the Way Shining Ones, open the way, Listen to these Divine words I say. I am the Infinite Blackness, the Infinite Brightness, the All Awareness, Forever establishing the field of Truth and Reeds, through Unifying the two Worlds."

Beautiful Words...True Vibrations...
I will be at HMV on March 30th pickin her album up along with RaekMethGhost.."Wu Massacre"......


Mar 15, 2010

WAKE up...

UNEVEN nonsense...

So I started watching this clip of Swizz Beats to hear what he has to say about the whole Mashonda, A.Keys thing...And for real, I heard nuff females ranting on & on about they don't like Alicia Keys anymore because she's a "home wrecker" etc...and all I thought was these females be the same ones who probably chant "Yes We Can" for Obama and give there kids the H1N1 shot...why do I say that? Simple, cuz they believe the hype!...Anyway, Swizz said exactly what I've been saying which is...I highly doubt Swizz cheated with Alicia...when Swizz been with old girl Mashonda for over 10 years...there are obiviously reasons as to why their foundation fell apart...and I didn't believe it had anything to do with Keys...I guess you got to be in it to know where people are coming from.....

But Swizz brought up a good point...that me and some of my sisterines have been discussing...which is Common ground...commonality...same tip...I COMPLETELY AGREE when Swizz said that it's important to find someone whether it's a relationship or friendship that's in your realm...It's like if you a chick that's more of a freak, ho or sexually what should I call it free...then most likely you and a square girl ain't going to have a lasting friendship....or if you a dude that work on wall street and got a homie that's a pimp...two different worlds...shits gonna collide....I learned this past year that I can't keep people around me that aint trying spiritually, mentally and emotionally elevate...I can't deal with that ignorant, immature shit...especially now that I got a daughter I gotta be on point for.....but there are some people who take longer than others to see the light and grow...but I gotta think about Me first...and for real I can't stick around for that.......So I had to let a couple of friends go...and what's funny is...I gained about 10 new sisterines who are on some P.E.A.C.E. (positive energy activates constant elevation) tip...That is not only beneficial to themselves but myself to cuz we feed off of each others energy and it's a constant Swizz said BALANCE! So take the time to weed out the energies around you cuz believe can make a great differance in your life!!!


Mar 12, 2010

illest CHANNEL...

So if you don't know now you know...HBO has the best tv shows ever made, period. When I think about my all time favourite shows...I think of Sex & the City, OZ, Sopranos & True Blood...where they do that at?!?! HBO maaang! Anyway I'm a let ya'll know about a new show that is only 4 episodes deep and straight got me hooked called "HOW TO MAKE IT IN AMERICA" of the producers is Mark Walhberg...same as the show ENTOURAGE...but yeah man this show is based in NYC...the songs they play in it...dope shit like real Hiphop...Motown etc....they got a cute white dude and a spanish dude as the two lead characters....trying to start there own jean line...ofcourse my dude KID CUDI is in the show as well....and YES he can act...My fav character is this woman who's the boss of one of the main characters who always got her self a spliff...rollin she mad jokes! Anyway check it out...I believe it comes on Sunday nights...but on the real I never watch it when it airs...I got the hook up on HBO on demand...I LOVE IT!!!

Here's CUDI talking about his role...


LIFE time...

Yeah man believe it! They making a doc on BIG L...Ya'll already know that he's my favourite MC...the reason why I even picked up a Mic...but yeah They also doing a movie on NINA SIMONE too...Mary J. Blige gon' play her...and if ya'll haven't already peep'd the Dilla youtube!

p.s. Oh and the One MC other than BIG PUN that would MURDER JAY-Z on the Mic...BIG L...I ain't just sayin' it's the TRUTH Son!!!


Mar 10, 2010


Just wanted to say it was 6 years ago that my Grandfather passed away...Today MARCH 10th would have been his 89th Birthday...I just want him to know that I miss him very much and it still feels like only yesterday that he was with us, talking and laughing...I wish you were alive to meet my daughter and my King but I know you are in paradise....I LOVE YOU!!!

FELIX THOMAS - My Grandfather & Also My Angel...


Straight In the BOX...

I was going to originally call this post "Straight Out the box"...because the topic is 2009's new female rapper NICKI MINAJ...I mean I think of her as what they market her as...a I thought of barbies being in the box...just like how her and number one bird brain, Mariah Carey portrayed themselves as in Mariah's video......Anyway, I'm guessing since Li'l Kim ain't really doing nothing as far as music and has messed herself up enough that even the youth think she's too crazy to believe the hype...they conjured up another plastic promoting, big boob, big booty type chick NICKI MINAJ....and this time made the chic sound like a robot or cyborg...interesting...but of course you can't fool the ones that are awake...but they definitely are fooling the youth...I hear nuff young females biggin' up Minaj calling her the best female rapper...are you serious??? Well she maybe the only female rapper right now other than Trina who I don't even think I count......but still, these kids are straight looking up to this woman and soon enough we will be having alotta real life black Barbies if we don't already have them already....SOLUTION...what is it???? MOTHERS...Teach your children to love themselves! Sounds simple but is a life time of work....If you are able to LOVE you are able to teach LOVE!!!


Realize REAL Lies...

When I go to NYC in the summer you best know I'm hittin' up the BK museum...

One of my favourite Master Teachers...ASEER THE DUKE OF TIERS...He always put things in to perspective and make you say "TRUE!"


King NYC...

"Stay Far from Timid, Only Make Moves When Your Hearts In It...& Live the Phrase Sky's The Limit!" ---BIGGIE

I know I'm late on this post...Biggie's death anniversary was yesterday...The Game Still Miss You B.I.G....One of the illest to ever Bless the mic...

GROWing Beautiful...

She still looks Amazing!


Mar 5, 2010

NEW Visuals...

This is one of my FAVOURITE tracks off of MAYER HAWTHORNES's album...I can't wait to see him live on MARCH 27th...I think he is one of the best white bwoys that I've ever heard sing...word up!

Aight, aight I know the track is called "thug planet" and CNN looks like they have been trapped in a time capsule..but I have to admit I kinda like the video and the song...only cuz when I was younger I was into that real raw raps...and this takes me back to the CNN classic WAR REPORT...I know ya'll are SMH at's all good tho;)

I posted this cuz I wanna big up Toronto's very own KARDINAL!!! altho his outfit does look a little bit too tight for


BEAUTIFUL Essence...


I have to do a post on my Sisterine NIYA...Not only is this girl extremely talented...she is Amazingly Beautiful inside and out...We may not have known each other for a long time..but I definitely know we gonna know each other for a long get used to my Aquarius Love you deserve the best and nothing less........I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to you Earth Day celebrations but I know your gonna LIVE IT UP!!!! xoxoxo

I have to also mention that she is One of the BEST Jewellery designers that I personally have ever seen...Her stuff is real earthy, glamourous, exotic, innovative and just simply BEAUTIFUL!!!

You can buy her stuff at...
(click on the names to go to the link)

I will post up pics of MISS NIYA's ACCESSORIES in a future post...

This is for you Niya...You kinda remind me of Badu & I believe she's a pisces too......xo



Aight so I had to listen to this track about 3 times to get into it...I guess when it comes to DRAKE being the Hero right now for Canada especially my city TORONTO...I expected a little bit more for his debut song off his first album "Thank Me Later"...but you know it ain't bad..The song can go on still...I mean I can understand the name of the album cuz we all gotta thank this dude for doing his thang and even bringing others with BOi WONDA who is the producer on this track..anyway enough talking peep the track...


MIND Control...pt2.

Here's part 2 of the light skin dominate industry when it comes to video girls and models........I have alot to say about it...but I think this video speaks for itself!


Mar 1, 2010


This past weekend it is said that Rapper GURU one half of the Legendary Group GANGSTARR suffered a heart attack and is in critical is also said that he is due to go to surgery today...Gangstarr is one of the groups as a yougin' growing up on real hiphop...I listened to...I have the albums...I've seen 'em this is really sad to hear.....I truly hope he comes through all right....and many positive thoughts and vibes go out to him and his family......
