Dec 13, 2008

Food for Thought!

I must credit My Mothers friend for sparkin' something within me to discover the essence of this creation by the Divine Mother Father God.....the CHIA SEED (Salvia Hispanica) is a seed that originates from South America and goes back as far as 3000 B.C. and has been a staple in daily nutrition in Pre-Columbian societies. Chia Seeds are the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids known, not to mention loads of antioxidants, Vitamin C, B, dietary fibre and much more. It’s a member of the mint family, originating in South/Central America and had been a staple food of the Aztecs for centuries. These seeds grow naturally in two colours, black and white and you can consume it raw!

I must say I only started eating these seeds recently and I feel different already...Stronger for sure and just knowing with in the mind that I'm consuming something that is Rich for my health is Peace! It also helps you feel full if you are trying to loose weight and not eat as much. There is no particular taste to it and you can just add it to whatever you eat! I take the recommended dose of 2 table spoons a day...which by the way for my fellow Vegetarians & Vegans...we need something like this in our lives! It is full of calcium! By the way you can cop it at any Health food store or your local Bulk Barn...(damn the Chia ppl should pay me for this But don't just take my word for it....research about this seed for yourself.....Health is Strength! It will Change your Life for the Better!

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