Dec 30, 2009

LIFE I WONDER, Could It take me under...

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." --BUDDAH

Since almost eveyone gets in the mind frame to change around this time...whether it is physical, spiritual or emotional being...I thought this quote was a perfect start to the motivation...I was reasoning with my sisterines the other day...and we were discussing things from what we need to do to change as far as what we eat because of all of this processed, steroid filled becoming closer to the MOST HIGH, to getting over personal feeling towards past relationships, friends etc.......and I just came to the conclusion that not only is life about seeking balance...but the core...the middle ground that holds the body & soul together is the mind....What I mean by this is...say you want to stop eating meat or junk food....what is the ultimate ruler of the action if achieved....your MIND...if you want to get over a past is your mind that seeks other things and over comes it......So i said to my sisterines we need to cultivate our mind and build it's strength and discipline in order to gain the is the mind that the evil doe'rs seek to control because of it's valuable state of rule over the entire being..............Even spirituality is gained through the mind because the mind instills the seed in order to discipline and stay on the path of righteousness.......the mind is what controls everything...the mind gives you the knowledge and the mind sheds the wisdom........So this new year....let us all start with a positive attitude.....even when the world seems to be rough....and getting rougher......there will be ZION....and when it comes you will be ready..........


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