Jan 12, 2009


Today was one of the most tiring days I've had in awhile........First day at a New Day Care for my daughter......the YMCA...big up! best one in town!......Getting her ready was hectic since we have to travel further to get to the new daycare........Then off to meet my new kids at a Catholic elementary school (not gonna mention the name) since I work with behavioural kids.....and shits confidential...... Came home and had numerous things to deal with.......7:30pm FINALLY get to sit down......

And have to do a radio show every Monday nights starting next week......


Get at me if anyone knows any......I'm gonna need it!
Whatever the case, there is one thing that gets me through it all......MUSIC

"Music in my DNA...it's My Livelihood!"--Dilla


1 comment:

  1. the only natural energy boost I can think of is sleep...and plenty of it. But...if I come across anything in my travels, I'll put you on.

    Wanted to ask you...and you've probably mentioned it on your blog...are you vegan? If you are, have you always been? If not, how did you transition?
