Flutter Bugs a.k.a. False Eye Lashes...cuz sometimes when I see them on ppl they bug the hell outta me..LOL...I mean I understand when celebs where them for video/photo shoots...or even wearing them some fancy event cuz you have super short lashes.....although my peeps know that they will NEVER see me rockin' fake eyelashes...cuz of my beliefs in living a natural lifestyle as much as I possibly can....No make up, no weave, no silicone....that's ME!......But I completely understand why others females do it...as long as you don't OVER DO IT!.....Maaan I saw this female today that had some big @ss eyelashes on......I mean it took over her face and she looked like a drag queen & to make things worse she was wearing jogging pants...HUH?!?!......it was 8 in the MORNING!?!?!? Where are you going with that?....Ah well to each is own right? I'm just wondering what ya'll think...Ladies what's your take on fake lashes...and Fellas what do you think about chicks that wear them?
Get at me....................
Get at me....................
Here's some eyelashes I can appreciate...ARTISTIC (Photo shoots only tho!)
Whoa! crazy ish'