May 19, 2009

Hold ON...BE Strong

I keep remembering that Tupac joint...."Hold On, Be Strong" whenever I get those days when I'm feeling weak.............

I've been looking around me.....friends, family...the world...and there seems to be alot of struggle and turmoil going on these days......I can sense a different energy......a magnetic pull, that's preparing us for what's a head..........I'm not sure if i'm making sense to any of ya'll but just to explain my feelings lately.......I've been feeling pretty blah....uninterested in the things I usually feel so strongly about...less Womp womp don't know if work has got me on a zombie tip but I just feel different........

I know I've mentioned my daughter's father before....but the situation really, REALLY bothers me.....I mean I've come to a point where I don't want the drama....I don't want to that Kelis track...."I just want to get along with you..." for real, for real.......for our daughter's sake why can't he just let go of the past and let us co exist so that we can do what we gotta do for our daughter?!?!?!

I'm over the demise of our relationship........but WHY does he still get to me??????

AMERIE......Give thanks for coming back with that DOPEtastic lol music........

this track (some what) explains how I feel......



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