Feb 5, 2009


Erykah & Jay Electronica brought forth a baby girl on Feb 1st, 2009 named MARS MERKABA....I am OH SO excited because not only is there daughter a AQUARIAN...She's gonna have a Mother GODDESS!!! I'm not really familiar with Jay Electronica's mind state and views on things....but I can get with some of his tracks and it seems like he's not just talkin' junk.....plus if Erykah is gonna settle down I'm sure she would choose a Wise King! I've been hearing alot of controversy from the time she announced her pregnancy due to the fact that she now has 3 baby dads....I personally support her 100 percent.....Nobody chooses to have baby fathers......shit happens, things fall apart..and you keep it movin'....which is what I think she is doing.....So all power to ERYKAH!!!
Stay Golden!

She had responded to the critics with this.........

“How dare you disrespect the queendom…and my children and my intelligence. I’ve never been so disgusted in all of my life. I am a great mother and caregiver to my two children, and to this world. My children are two of the kindest and happiest people I have met … I am their doctor and their nurse, and even sometimes their mother and their father. I am an excellent mother and resent all of the negative comments and insults on my character.”

I was also interested in the meaning behind the choice of name and when I researched MERKABA the word Merkaba refers to a "divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masers to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms." The vehicle is described as a kind of three-dimensional Star of David that "transports spirit/body from one dimension to another." In the bible, Merkaba is described as a chariot made of angels with four wings and four faces that represent the four directions and take the form of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. This all made sense to me once I learned the meaning.........Badu is definitely someone who can lead by example....and guide lost souls!

(One of my fav pics taken in Ms.Badu's NY Apartment...her very fist place that she still holds down to this day! Now that's real!)

BTW Erykah's New Album is set to release in March '09...'NEW AMERYKAH: The Return of the Ankh'......I'm crazy excited! and she's droppin' a third...maybe late '09 called 'LOWDOWN LORETTA BROWN' Woo hooooo! I can't wait!

Sorry for the long post.......shieeet I had alot to say!


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